domingo, 3 de marzo de 2019
An unexpected brief encounter
Yesterday, flying back from London on fabulous Virgin Atlantic, I met -albeit 40 years too late- a dream man! A handsome, intelligent, sexy & witty ...English Lord!
It is true - and I have had so much fun remembering the totally coincidental meeting.
Rewinding the thread, this story starts when Eva Leivas-Andino and I were romantic teenagers in Havana -dreaming of one day meeting a Principe-azul-style man -and falling in love with him for never-ending happiness! And this man had to be the absolutely attractive English Lord of our favorite Corin Tellado novelas!
Thus - yesterday I was enchanted when my seat mate turned out to be one!
But not a stiff & proper stereotype, but a handsome, sort of rugged sexy, 50’s plus, blue eyed, super intelligent one! And an unusually talkative man to boot -with a very good knowledge of politics, Brexit, USA politics & Donald Trump, the European Union, Spain, the Hamptons (we flew over them!), great restaurants, - plus a fun & wicked personality. We talked a lot & laughed a lot - and I realized...hey!...I should have met this guy decades ago!
Not fair! Especially since he said I was “a fascinating woman” and found me “funny & so easy to talk to”. (Great to discover that I still love to hear those things)
Divorced, he was coming to NYC for the stag-party-weekend of a friend. A weekend of party-time at Ian Schrager’s Public Hotel -where I told him, he would meet lots of models at his sexy roof bar! He laughed and told me he already knew about it...It was fun. And I bet he will have quite a Manhattan weekend!
When landing, we said goodbye -and his handshake was so strong my poor arthritic hand was painfully squished!!! OMG! But I smiled like it was just right...He located & pulled down my hand luggage - and helped with my coat. And when he found me later at Customs -with my daughter (who had been sitting in another part of the plane)- he seemed happy to see me again & was friendly & funny. I must have looked terrible (during flights I am not “ready for my close up”) -and then & there I promised myself to avoid this, in case in another flight I cross paths with another English Lord!
The story ends here. And it made me wonder why in Life we sometimes find wonderful people at totally absurd times. This is the 3rd time in my long life, that I meet an attractive man that impresses me - but the encounter just passes by fleetingly -or the circumstances are all wrong. Destiny sends these “messages” -just to remind us that those romantic dreams of our youth were not so silly after all. In fact they were just great!
And -curiously- the next day my fortune cookie prediction while dining in a Chinese restaurant, gave more fantasy to this delightful moment!