lunes, 21 de enero de 2019

A new style of flying!

 A new style of flying
By Mari Rodriguez Ichaso

About to go back to London on  new assignment for Vanidades and on various themes, I would like to share some of my traveling experiences flying from New York to London.

For several years now I have been flying on different airlines´s new comfort or premium class -as well as (lucky me) experimenting the amazingly luxurious Business (Delta), Upper (Virgin Atlantic) or Club (British Airways) of several airlines.

My conclusion is that in general they are all excellent -and a great choice for passengers that want something more 'upscale' and comfortable than plain tourist class --and as I always say, traveling today is like "traveling a la carte" -where the passenger has multiple choices.  Separate check-n, more personalized service, special easy pass for security and customs . an -in Virgin- a wonderful 'tea time' moment when flying from London to New York.

But when traveling Upper Class --the Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse at Heathrow is SO magnificent -- that scores many more points in my book --and I wonder why other airlines do not follow suit?  For someone who is afraid of flying (but as a Travel Editor for several magazines does it all the time!) the  huge Virgin lounge is such a blessing! It calms me, pampers me, makes me feel so at ease with the world --and feeds me with delicious food anytime of the day. This is a point towards choosing Virgin Atlantic for my trips. Plus they are always so professional -and so lovely British in their manners and way of dealing with passengers! They have become part of my traveling family somehow!

Teatime on Virgin Premium Class

British Airways comes second among my choice of both classes, the premium coach and the Club class. Same English correction and great pilots and on board security.  Cooler attendants -but super efficient service   And Delta is third because the personalized touch does not feel as caring and it feels more standard and slightly indifferent to the passengers, although this depends a lot on the crew who takes care of you   In general 3 good choices to fly from the USA to London

As a seasoned traveler my comment is that the small details -and the warm embrace to their service  and desire to please the passengers- puts an airline above others, And offer great new choices, that are easy to select.